Wednesday 20 November 2019

How to consider the corporate culture of the company already at the interview

What is a corporate culture?

The first rules of behavior, both written and unwritten, developed within professional communities in the medieval guilds of Europe. Moreover, violations of these rules could lead to the exclusion of their members from the community.

The term “corporate culture” itself appeared in the 19th century. It was formulated by the German field marshal Moltke, thus characterizing the special rules in the relationship between officers of that time. The fact is that various issues and disputes were then resolved not only by charters, courts of honor, but also by duels. And a saber scar was a mandatory attribute of belonging to an officer "corporation", a kind of pass to a closed club. Much later, the term "corporate culture" was introduced in management, and meant all the rules, traditions, values ​​and rituals that employees of any company and organization "live" and are guided by.
How corporate culture is formed

The corporate culture of the company is a reflection of the life positions and values ​​of the business owner or CEO. Moreover, over time, its values ​​may change, and this is quite normal. Indeed, when a person develops himself, then his point of view on various issues changes.
What to look for in employment to draw conclusions about corporate culture

We respond to many important signs that can tell about the corporate culture of the company intuitively. This is when a situation arises during an interview, for example, and we mentally put a “+” or “-” in our head.
1. The frequency of the vacancy

If you see that the same vacancy appears every two months, then know that for some reason no one is delayed for a long time at the workplace. And the company has a constant staff turnover. Of course, there are exceptions when a company goes through a booming stage of growth. However, exceptions only confirm the rule.
2. Wording of the vacancy

Companies that are interested in finding a unique employee will do this with particular care and place a vacancy not only where the average candidate has stepped, but also where the people he needs live. Recruiting and finding good employees is a profession, art, and in general a special part of the company's work. So think before sending your resume to a company where the vacancy says “PC skills, organizational skills, etc.”. Details and descriptions of company values ​​will be a wonderful indicator.
3. An offer to do additional tasks

Immediately negotiate with the employer the deadline for completing tasks, their number (a lot of unscrupulous companies that profit from the ideas of candidates, especially in the field of journalism / cinema, etc.), the announcement of the results. In general, companies with real discipline and mutual respect will always remind you when the next stage of the interview will take place, since they value their time and yours.
4. Location of the company

It’s not even how close the office is to your home. Pay attention to the office center, the convenience of access for customers, just convenience. Of course, the office does not have to be expensive and overlook the central area of ​​the city, but this is one of the signs of the company’s submission (depending on the area, including). We do not claim that everyone should have a beautiful and stylish office, but we know how great this affects the work of the team. A kitchen, a place to relax - are provided?
5. Attitude towards you

How did you meet and spend, how long did you wait (oh, these stress interviews), did you offer anything, did you show respect for you or did your best to show your incompetence?
6. The atmosphere in the team

Take a look at the work of the entire team, if possible, and how people communicate with each other:

    Do they turn to each other on you or on you?
    How do they look at you in the corridors when they see that you have come for an interview?
    How many people talked to you?
    Have you been comfortable?

If possible, ask a question about joint activity (but already at the final interview), about how internal activity, sports, charity are encouraged - all this is about corporate culture. And if you don’t have such an opportunity, then just try to find information on the Internet. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, VK group - all this can and should be studied.

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